For anyone who’s ever experienced the persistent, intense pain of back pain, you know that sometimes it can be difficult to find relief. Here are some of the most common solutions that may help you when your back pain just won’t go away.
The Cause
Back pain is a common complaint among people of all ages. The pain can range from mild to severe, and it can have an impact on your ability to get through your day. It’s normal to experience back pain after lifting something heavy or performing strenuous exercise; however, it’s not normal when your back pain isn’t subsiding after two days. If you find yourself in that position, don’t ignore it—you could be at risk of developing serious health problems such as slipped disks or osteoporosis. With that in mind, here are seven solutions you can use to alleviate back pain when it won’t go away.
Try This - Stretching
We all know that exercise can help fight back pain, but stretching is actually even more effective than hitting a treadmill. A study published in The Spine Journal found that yoga offers relief from chronic back pain. If you're not a yoga pro, don’t worry! Try one of these four simple stretches to get started: Lie flat on your back and bring both knees toward your chest. Make sure you draw your belly button in toward your spine. Use your hands to gently push your knees down as far as they will go without causing any discomfort or pain. Hold for 30 seconds then relax, allowing both knees to return to their original position before doing it again with a twist!
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